Nevaeh with her son
Parenting Stories
I was a senior in high school when I found out that I was pregnant. I was in denial with the first test, surely there are false positives, so I took another one. When it, too, was positive, I realized this was really happening. I was shocked. My mind was racing with the thoughts of “I’m a senior in high school” and “I have plans!” I just never thought this could happen to me, but it did.
I told my mom first, and she had all the same feelings I had, including shock and fear. With one look at my face, though, she knew she had to be strong for me. Telling my father would not be easy, and this was not something I could do alone. I am the firstborn, his baby girl. He wants for me what all dads want: to be successful. When we told him he was beyond mad, but he kept his composure.
My first choice was abortion, but I had concerns. After hearing the risks involved from my patient advocate at Real Options, I was worried that I would have problems with depression afterward. I carried the heavy weight of disappointing my dad, plus I realized I was not ready to be a mom. Both of these are what led me to choose adoption. I was able to look at it as not “giving up” something but rather choosing to provide a better life for my child. Plus, with open adoption being a choice, I had hope that when my son turned eighteen, he would find me, and I would have the chance to be the mom he wanted. When we found help at Real Options, I knew this was where I belonged, especially after meeting Christi. She has been an incredible support throughout the pregnancy and even now.
So here I was, graduating from high school, all set to place my baby for adoption. I’d picked the birth parents, and I had it all planned out, or so I thought. Sitting at my graduation, listening to the valedictorian’s speech about seizing the day and treasuring every single moment, it hit me. I was too attached to my son to let him go. I could not see him with any other family but mine. That’s when I made the decision that I would keep my son. The fear of disappointing my dad was still great, so you can imagine the relief that flooded me when my dad said he supported my decision to keep him. I named my son Tyson James. You should see the way Tyson lights up with joy when he sees my parents and how they light up when they see him! I’ve never seen them happier. Deciding to be his mom wasn’t easy, and it’s still not. Being a mom is hard; sometimes, it feels like everything is out of control. But being his mom is what I cherish most, and I put him first. My vision for the future is to keep going, stay strong, and be the best mom I can be for Tyson. My spirit won’t break because my son is worth fighting and living for.
I was in a toxic relationship and unhappy. When I found out I was pregnant I was thinking, this can’t be true. I need to figure out what I’m going to do right away. I thought, I’m absolutely not ready to have a baby. I’m not ready to be a mom. I was dead set on having an abortion. I looked up the nearest Planned Parenthood, and the waiting list was too long so I kept looking to find the nearest clinic to help me “fix my problem”.
Instead, I found Real Options and had a sonogram. I heard the heartbeat and saw the flicker on the screen. I will never forget that for the rest of my life. Before having Real Options educate me, I didn’t think I would change my mind. They didn’t tell me what to do, they told me the truth. I even filled out the paper marking abortion. But after they told me the truth about when life begins and I saw the heartbeat, that changed everything.
They cared about me as a person. They remembered my name. I don’t think Planned Parenthood would ever recognize me and know the impact they had on my life. But the people here know me on a first name basis and every time that I needed someone, I could call Real Options.
I was paired with a mentor and Real Options provided me with a crib, car seat, stroller, diapers-everything I needed. There is something so beautiful in this journey and getting to experience having my son and holding him-there’s nothing like it. He is my little best friend and such a blessing. He is so funny and energetic. I came from being at rock bottom and having nothing, thinking how could I provide to having everything my son needed and more.
Nic and I have seven children. When I was pregnant with Kingston, my pregnancy was a breeze. But after I had him, I unexpectedly coded on the table. Afterward, the doctor told me, “I’m surprised you and your son made it through that. I would never get pregnant again if I were you.” So, when I found out I was pregnant with Legend, I didn’t tell anyone. I was even afraid to tell Nic. Having an abortion was the first thing I thought of. I can’t keep this baby; if I did keep this baby, then I may die, and then who will take care of my other children? By this time, I was already researching different places to go to have an abortion.
When we came to Real Options, the atmosphere was different. From the ladies at the front desk to the sonogram, my first-day experience was impeccable. They listened. They heard my heart. They took their time. They understood what I was faced with, and at the end of the conversation, they took my hands and said, “Whatever decision you make, we’re going to walk with you through it.” Real Options made sure that I was not walking alone. They paired me with a mentor who walked with me the remainder of my pregnancy and an entire year after Legend was born.